The Upstream Optimization Challenge
Your business is likely leaking cash & customers like a boat with 1000 microscopic holes...
So what happens when your competition are just a bit more watertight?
Say 9% better conversion, 17% better customer retention, and 4% better attraction.
Q: Do they do 10% more business than you (the average of the above)?
A: an emphatic 'NO'!
Here's exactly what's happening:
1.09 x 1.17 x 1.04 = 1.326. That's 33% more sales than you...
Give that a moment to sink in.... 33% more sales through strategic optimization.
Now here's the kicker: what would you do with that kind of savings & extra revenue?
If you answered "Re-invest in customer acquisition!" You're starting to get the idea.
Now you're looking at 50-75% more sales resulting from optimization at the main leverage points.
What would that kind of lift mean to your business? Could it mean the difference between sink or swim?